Renewable Energy Sources
Solar Power and Renewable Energy Options To Power Your Home
Renewable Resources To Get You Off the Grid
Whilst regular roof-mounted solar panels work, a 3D Solar Panel Tower can generate up to 20x more power & cheaper
Get the latest Eskom Load Shedding Schedule for your area to help you prepare for the hours of rolling blackouts.
Installing solar panels in your home makes such good sense in a sun blessed country like South Africa.
Off Grid Solar System
Build your own DIY Solar Power System
Home inverter prices in South Africa from Growatt, Victron...
Load Shedding Schedule
Get your load shedding schedule for today. Be prepared as load shedding can be implemented at any time.
Battery Reconditioning
Reconditioning a battery is easy, will save you money & provide an alternative power source for your home.
Renewable Resources
Renewable Energy Sources
Save money and get off the grid by installing your own solar geyser & solar panels…

Renewable Energy Options Save Money & Save the Planet
By using renewable energy, especially in countries which have an abundance of sun, not only saves you money, but also contributes to saving the planet.
In South Africa it makes total sense to at least install a solar geyser for your home as this appliance is one of the biggest electricity consumers in any household.
Our vision is to enable more people to utilise renewable energy sources to power their homes and get off the grid.
Solar technology to convert sunshine into clean energy exists and can easily be used to get off the grid and save money.
The benefits of using solar energy and other clean energy options are providing a reliable & cheap power source